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Ageing with Dignity


Who are Senior Citizens?
Census 2011 regards citizens over sixty year as senior citizens.

What is the share of senior citizen in the total population?

The same census hold the data that senior citizen comprises 8.6% of India’s population and their share is expected to grow to 21% by 2050.


Do you know that we are celebrating the Thirty fourth anniversary?

It all began with the initiative of United Nation General Assembly in 1990 to raise awareness on increasing issues faced by the older people across the world, fueled by modern socio-economic changes. It rewinds the population that being old is a part of life and dismiss the stereotypical attitude develop towards the elderlies. This year we are celebrating the 34th anniversary aiming towards strengthening care and support system for older persons worldwide. There will be dedicated sessions to highlight the importance of geriatrics and gerontology with focus on the global shortages of care workers and recognize the contribution of caregivers.

How do we celebrate in India?

India celebrates in its own fashion. We celebrate it as Vayoshreshtha Samman (Respect for elders) with the same zeal and vision across the globe. An annual award ceremony is organized by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to honour the contribution of older person towards society.

Contribution of Older Person in society

The contributions of the old generation are innumerable and cannot be counted. However some of the important contributions make them very specialized.

They are treasures of knowledge and experiences: We can say that they have almost completed their course of life. They have gone through significant historical events in their lifetime. They have acquired first-hand knowledge and experiences that are beneficial for the young generations.

They provide emotional support unconditionally: Grandparents support the family by taking care for the grandchildren as well as supporting them emotionally throughout their lives in ups and downs.

The old age person mostly contribute to the development of society through their voluntary work. They provide backup to various sectors in society through their unpaid works.

Older people has greater sense of belonging to their local area than younger people. This checks rapid urbanization and immigration too. They have a connection with their environment. They divert their time to take care of nature around them which help in greenery and combat climate changes.

Many Community Services relied on the older people. They render their services in essential sectors that helps in maintaining a good health and well-being of the citizens like Municipals, Sweepers, Maid, librarian etc. These are just some manifest and bold contributions of the elderly people. However there are endless latent functions of the age old generations.

Problems faced by the Elders

  • Age discrimination: There are moments when the older generations are discriminated on the pretext of their age. It could be their near ones at home or the colleagues in offices. They face harassment because of their vulnerability.
  • Social Exclusion: In some societies old age people are regarded as a burden on the resources. They are being left to the mercy of NGO’s and community services.
  • Elderly Abuse: Elders are abused by their near ones in property issues and other family affairs.
  • Ageism problem: The ageism phenomena brings psychological stress among the elders. It commences co-morbidity at a stage when they are vulnerable physically and emotionally.
  • Stereotypes: There are various stereotype associated with older people. They are regarded as economically dependent and unproductive. However they neglect their contribution on the larger humanitarian scale.
  • Geriatric care: They depends on pensions. The increase in spending on health and care makes them dependent on their family members.
  • Loneliness: Most of the older people feel loneliness after a certain point of time.
  • Powerlessness: It is one of the sensitive stages of life. Physical and mental weakness is associated with it. They demand Utmost love, affection and care which is not available in most of the modern family structures.
  • Feminisation of ageing: Population of elderly women is more than male. Thus the old feminine is on the edge of double susceptibility.
  • Migration: Migration of young working age from rural areas makes the older generation emotionally disconnected with their children and grandchildren. A gap is created between the generations which widens with time.
  • Health: They are affected with Disabilities and Co-morbidities. Robust Geriatric care is needed to ensure their safety, well-being and a dignified life at a later stages.
  • Social Issues: There is a profound lack of misunderstanding between different generations. Because there is a different world order after every decade or so. The environment significantly changes across generations. Therefore the two generations think differently and find difficulty in agreeing with one way of thinking.
  • Digital exclusions: There are various sectors from which the older generations are being excluded or they are not having access. One of the sector is digitalization. They are digitally less accessible.


“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”
Betty Friedan (An American feminist writer)

How to Tackle?

  • Financial stability and Security should be maintained so that they become less dependable on others. Indra Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme is a protection directed towards the senior citizens. Amount provided should be increased with the rise of price in goods and medicines.
  • Community gathering and reasonable means of entertainment brings the senior citizens together on a platform and they get out of boredom.
  • By securing them against cyber threats which they are often targeted.
  • Creating environments that are both safe and flexible according to their needs.
  • Maintaining social connection with the senior citizens, friends and neighbors. Keep regular touch with them and listen to their problems and address them.

Acts dealt with misbehavior with Elder citizens

Do you see children abandoning their parents in your area?
If someone does, it will punished legally in our laws.

Maintenance of Parents welfare Act 2007

  • Senior citizen defined above 60 years in this act too.
  • Parent or senior citizens are entitled to get maintenance from their children or heir. They can be Biological, Adaptive or Step parents.
  • Punishment clause for abandoning parents are provided in this act.

United Nation’s decade on Healthy Ageing

The UN vision of keeping the last decade of the Sustainable development goal aims to connect with the development of Healthy Ageing across population.

Islamic Point of View

Islam gave emphasis on the rights of parents especially in the old stages of life. As the parents turns towards old age, the children turns towards the youth stage of life. There is an imbalance of power in between and the reversal of responsibility likewise. The onus of care shifts to the children’s shoulders when the parents grow old. Allah crafted this cycle beautifully in the following verse of the holy Quran.

It is Allah Who created you in a state of weakness, then developed ˹your˺ weakness into strength, then developed ˹your˺ strength into weakness and old age. He creates whatever He wills. For He is the All-Knowing, Most Capable. (Surah Ar-Rum; Verse 54)

Citing the beginning data of the Census on the share of senior citizens in the overall population, there should be various policies directed towards the welfare of senior citizens. The increase in the number of elderly people will be reflected in the constraint of resources in hand to tackle the issues. Robust health care infrastructure, particularly focusing on geriatric care and mental health care is the need of the time. Socialization of children through value based education along with modern education will secure a future that will be a key to many problems.

“The wiser mind mourns less for what age takes away than what it leaves behind.”
William Wordsworth

Written by: Aijaz Hussain

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