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A good student must have the following characteristics in him/her otherwise his/her personality will remain incomplete.

He should keep in mind that knowledge expands with doing exercises and is secured with questions. Knowledge is a treasure and question is its key. However, one should avoid needless questioning. Putting questions after questions to the teachers is an act of mischief and impertinence. Never occupy the seat of your teacher whether he is present or absent.

Always remember that you are a Muslim and you have to live in the world like an exemplary student. Keep prestige in walking, speaking and character so that others hold you in esteem. Speak with etiquette and avoid speaking harshly. Do not cross the limit during the fun and frolic nor do anything below the standard, etiquette and decorum.

A good student is also required to take part in sports, games and in curricular/extracurricular activities. However, he must keep himself away from unhealthy and destructive games and activities like conspiracies, regionalism and communalism. These activities are nothing but a stigma on the fair name of a student.

He must do his daily work without putting off, pay attention to the lectures, keep sitting peacefully, pay regards to your teachers and treat your class fellows with love, sympathy and good manners.

The messenger of Allah (SWT) said… keep sobriety while acquiring knowledge, show humbleness both to the teacher and the taught.

Hafiz. M. Inamulla Khan,
MS Rahmani School, Mallepally.

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