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True Friends Make Life Happier

A true friend is a mirror of oneself. One can see oneself through a friend’s lenses. A loyal friend encourages us towards our personality development and refrains from downgrading it. Friends are among the few important pillars of socialization. Friends or peer groups are forms of primary socialization and play a significant role in shaping an individual. It is an achieved status therefore one should be extremely careful about the selection process.

There is no specific age for being friends with someone. But friendships in childhood are special, filled with kindness and purity. And if one can retain the bond throughout one’s life with the same person, it can be considered equal to a great wealth.


Friendship Day was originally proposed by Joyce Clyde Hall, the founder of Hallmark Cards Company which is the largest manufacturer of Greeting Cards in the United States. He suggests Friendship Day to honor and celebrate friendship. Envisaging that it is a day to express appreciation for the friends.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed an International Day of Friendship to give it a wider context. UN will observe this day to promote friendship not only at a microscopic level but on a global level. Friendship between Countries, cultures, and governments aimed at enhancing peace and security looks forward to construct a livable world.

It is celebrated on different days across the globe but carries the same universal sentiment altogether.

What is the significance of Friendship Day?

Friends are partners in the ups and downs of our life. They make our living time memorable. They celebrate success with our achievements and provide emotional support during our low times. They are an accompaniment to our lonely lives. They enhance our personality and help us in every phase of life.

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”
— Woodrow Wilson (28th President of the United States)

A study by the University of Michigan, found that hanging with other people for at least ten minutes improves one’s ability to solve problems and brainpower. Various other studies show that friendship helps improve sleep and makes people healthier too.

Social Media and Friendship

The Internet has brought a revolution in people’s interaction. The world has now become a global village, where one can be friend with the other despite their physical distance. Social media like Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms have significantly contributed to bringing people together. Virtual friends are easily accessible. We can make friends from every corner of the world. It has certain benefits like we can learn the language and culture of a very different set of people. It makes us confident in reaching out to people and initiating a conversation.

However, the challenges faced in a virtual friendship should be underlined too. Various threats exist in making an online friendship like limited understanding of the opposite side, misuse of information, fake profiles, lack of emotions, and trust. It can be toxic for teenage boys and girls as their data can be misused. Parents have to keep a keen vigil on their teenager’s social media activities.

How to celebrate friendship day?

We can express our gratitude to our friends for holding this beautiful relationship strong with time. We can share our thoughts regarding this bond with them through messages or writings. If a quote or a saying can carry the essence of our feeling then we should go with it. If one can express through poetry, commendable job. Poetry is a good genre to express ineffable emotions.

We should reach out to our friends and share memories, express gratitude, and spend time enjoying with friends. The true value of friendship lies in nurturing it from time to time so that the bond becomes stronger.

Peace through Friendship

The world is facing many challenges from reckless war, human rights abuse, and ethnic cleansing to caste and race discrimination. The root cause of many of these problems remains extreme aversion and hatred towards each other. Therefore the United Nations has sought to seek the importance of this day to neutralize the growing aversion between communities on the global level by promoting friendship and cooperation that brings peace in this world. This year’s theme “Embracing Diversity and Fostering Unity” is in sync with the overall objective of enhancing the understanding between various communities.

“Peace cannot be achieve by Force; it can only by achieved by Understanding. — Albert Einstein

In reminiscence of the creation of people of various races and communities, the Holy Quran describes that it is done deliberately by Allah (SWT) to know each other.

“O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware” (Surah Al Hujrat :13)

Islam teaches Moderation (the middle path)

While choosing friends there should be taken an extreme care. From an Islamic perspective, excessive love and confidence in friends are unacceptable. There is a possibility that the friend may turn into your enemy tomorrow and he will then be in control of all your secrets.

Islam emphasizes treading the middle path. Islamic faith teaches a moderate balanced and equitable approach. There should be a balance of everything in life. Both extremism and asceticism in any affair are discouraged.

“When you cherish someone you should cherish him moderately for he may be your enemy someday and when you hate someone you should hate him moderately for he may be your friend someday”— Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (R.A.)

A true Friend is a gem one should not let him loose. According to a saying one is unfortunate if one doesn’t have a friend, but one is more unfortunate than that, if he had one such but he loses it. Friendship is a special bond that needs to be cherished and celebrated. It provides a platform to perform pure act of kindness towards each other. Friendship makes life easy, beautiful and memorable.

Written by: Aijaz Hussain

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