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Leadership Concept

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House System introduced to inculcate leadership skills in MSians

Hyderabad: To inculcate leadership qualities in MSians right from childhood, MS has introduced School House System in all its branches. The system has an established hierarchy line and provides positive competition among students and it also builds a close rapport between students and teachers to achieve common goals.

On the apex of the hierarchy line stands School Pupil Leader. He is selected by the principal after consultation with the class teachers. He is next to the Principal in respect of policy making related with students. His main function is to ensure that students’ concerns are brought to the notice of the school authorities. He also acts as liaison between the students and the school authorities. The next position in the leadership hierarchy is Deputy School Leader who is also selected by Principal. He reports to School Pupil Leader.

The Deputy School leader also has an equally important role to play for the success of the activities and programmes of the school. His responsibilities include 1)Render support and cooperation to other captains, 2)Manage student discipline and inculcate good behavior, 3)Exhibit exemplary role model and self-discipline. Besides that there are 6 committees: namely 1)Literary Committee 2)Science Committee 3)Creativity Committee 4)Deeniyat Committee 5)Sports Committee 6)Cultural Committee. These committees are headed by a President who are selected by the subject teachers. Next in line is House captains followed by Mentors and Bench monitors.

The school is divided into four different houses. And each house is lead by house captains. The House captains represents houses and reports to deputy School leader. He/ she is selected from class IX. The house captains are expected to: 1)Supervise and coordinate all house activities along with the house parents, 2)Encourage the house members to take part in the house competitions, and 3)Exhibit exemplary role model and self-discipline.

Mentors are selected / elected in each class (other than IX class) by Class Teacher and he /she reports to respective house captains / Deputy School Leader. He plays a crucial role in helping the class teachers in the smooth functioning of the class. He acts as the overall in charge of the class for particular house and coordinate all class activities.

The last hierarchy is Bench Monitors. They are selected by the mentors in each class for each bench after discussing with class teacher. The Bench Monitors report to Mentors and act as guide for the student sitting along with him and coordinate all class activities.

The purpose of setting up the school house system is to give students an identity and sense of pride in a supportive, secure environment. Instills determination, team work, belongingness, creativity and collaboration among students. And brings awareness of the importance of community. Allows development of skills and talents and acknowledges their successes.

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