MS EDUCATION ACADEMY, MS CREATIVE SCHOOL Dear Parent: Sub: Become a Teacher in MS Creative School & serve the community. We are in the process of preparing a “PANEL OF [...]
9 medals in State Level Drawing Competition Hyderabad: Displaying their extraordinary skills in art and drawing, the MSians bagged 9 medals in State Level drawing Competition under various [...]
Dear Parent Assalaamualaikum, Due to the prevailing novel Coronavirus pandemic the TS government has extended the lockdown period till 30th April 2020. As per government directive all the [...]
Dua-e-Anas Bin Maalik (RA) As per the Islamic Scholars, this Dua serves as a protective cover and the person who recites it comes under complete protection of Allah (SWT). Please read and share [...]
MSians pay visit to Old Age Home Hyderabad: As part of their philanthropic service, SSC appearing students of MS paid visits to Aramghar Old Age Home at Shivrampally this week and spent some [...]
MS introduces safety measures at schools in the wake of COVID-19 Hyderabad: Seeing the gravity of COVID-19, MS Creative Schools have taken extra precautionary measures at all its premises and [...]
MSians Projects win Prizes at National Science Fair 2020 Hyderabad: The Science project of Sitafalmandi students won 3rd prize in National Science Fair 2020 held in MLR Institute of Technology at [...]
Silver Medal in State Level Judo Championship Hyderabad: MSian of Junior College bagged silver medal in State Level Judo Championship, organized by SGFMD, Government of Telengana State, informed [...]
MSians achievement inspire management to launch Sports Academy Hyderabad:Inspired by the remarkable achievement of the MSians in the Poomsae event, the management has announced to set up a Sports [...]