To, The Editor, Sub: Request your esteemed newspaper to bring awareness of free education by MS for flood victims of Hyderabad Respected Sir/Madam, One can only imagine how it would be [...]
Dua-e-Anas Bin Maalik (RA) As per the Islamic Scholars, this Dua serves as a protective cover and the person who recites it comes under complete protection of Allah (SWT). Please read and share [...]
MSians pay visit to Old Age Home Hyderabad: As part of their philanthropic service, SSC appearing students of MS paid visits to Aramghar Old Age Home at Shivrampally this week and spent some [...]
Youm-e-Touba on 9th January 2020 All MSOwnians and MSians are observing fast on Thursday 9th of January 2020 to seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy for entire Ummah and humanity. We request [...]
Miswak an Ideal Tool for Oral and Dental Health Its okay not to brush … Ever wondered how and why? “If the eyes are a window to the soul, then the mouth is the doorway to the body” Medical vector [...]
Tauheed (belief in the oneness of Allah): The meaning of Tauheed is to believe in the Oneness of Allah, His being and His attributes. It is to believe and testify with absolute certainty that [...]
Significance of fasting on the Day of ‘Arafat ‘Arafat – a hillside and plain, also called the Jabl-e-Arafat is located about 12.5 miles from Makkah. It is of great significance to all [...]
Of the two holy days offered to Muslims by Allah (swt), one that is the day of Bakra Eid/ Eid-ul-Azha is arriving soon. On such an auspicious occasion, it is an obligation on Muslims to offer [...]
Urdu HOD: A Proud Father Hyderabad: Mr. Md. Anwaruddin Siddiqui, Urdu HOD of MS CARD at Corporate Office has become a proud father when his two children (one son and a daughter) completed Hifz [...]
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD STUDENT A good student must have the following characteristics in him/her otherwise his/her personality will remain incomplete. He should keep in mind that knowledge [...]